That same day as our first Thailand sunrise, we took a skinny long boat to another smaller beach on the same island, accessible only by water, checked into a place call the Big Blue, which we were to become so fond of over the next three days. For cheaper than our last lodging, we got a beachside bungalow, with an upstairs porch. No air conditioning though. 3 days, relaxing in the water, eating at the Big Blue restaurant, enjoying their incredible fruit shakes and curry. The musamum curry was the winner amongst us. We played basketball, ping pong, and tossed around a disc in the water. On one afternoon we trekked to our neighbouring beach of Hat Thien, but were turned off by the colder, more intimidating reception there. We noted that topless sunbathing was the norm. Back to Big Blue we hurried, ate more food, relaxing on their cushions. The most relaxed 3 days of the trip so far. Our last night there, sitting on our balcony listening to tunes off of Queenie and Keith’s ipods, with those cute wimpy orange speakers Keith had gotten for this trip. The dim light of dusk. Feeling… something, I don’t know. Like I could be in high school again. Passionate. For what, who knows.

Our beach days over, we flew back with our sandy feet to Bangkok. Air conditioning again. Markets, temples, a reclining Buddha of gold, a palace, a trip to the school of traditional Thai massage. Still battling our digestive systems.
Last night in Bangkok, whiskey and a bucket of Singapore sling in our guesthouse room. Trying to play a drinking game, but all doing a sad job. Finished off all our measly EtOH too quickly.
The next day, the craziest cab ride ever to the airport. Keith actually confronted, almost yelled at, the driver when we got to the airport. Crazy driver. I hope there’s no passenger in his car when he totals it and himself.
We parted at the airport, Keith to Hong Kong, the rest of us to Korea. That route too us first through Singapore airport. Wasn’t so long before that I was there. But it did make me feel I’ve been away too long. Away from my responsibilities. Away from my Betty. I wonder if I’ll always worry about her. Does love always mean worry?
Korea is clean, and in May, it’s cool. It reminds me of Vancouver. Even the dusk and sunrise lighting is similar. Vancouver’s not so clean as Korea though. At least in Seoul, even the dirt is clean.
Our first evening, after checking into the 5 star hotel, made possible by Brian’s mom’s cousin who works there, we were treated to the hotel’s BBQ feast buffet. So much food. So much food. My goodness, so much food. And at the insistence of Brian’s relative, bottle after bottle of Soju, and red wine. After what seemed like endless eating, he saw us back to our room, only to insist we crack open some beer. Our 5:00am start time for the next day was looking more and more grim.

5:00 am this morning, up and hung over. We met one of Brian’s cousins, who has taken us to Seoraksan, a big mountain we’ve climbed all day. A huge hike. We are sleeping tonight at the temple, just 2km away from the mountain’s peak. Brian and I in the male dorm room. 15 or more of us crowded onto the floor. A few more on the wooden shelf. All Korean. I understand little if not nothing. Actually, it isn’t so bad.
Sunrise is at 5:30. We’d have to start hiking the final 2km to the peak at 3:30 am in order to catch it. It’s not going to happen. But that’s ok. Right now all I wish is to get to the peak, get back down, and back to the comfy hotel. Yes, I’m a wuss. A tired wuss.
But I do love hiking and rock climbing. And the vistas today were stunning and magical. So it’s been well worth the hung over fatiguing day’s work so far.

Anyway, it’s probably just past 7:00pm now. I don’t know. Most everyone in the room is sleeping and snoring. So I’ll do the same. I wonder what Betty is doing right now. I wish she could see this mountain temple and its view, without all the hiking that was required.
Poor Brian, exhausted. All his relatives to call and see, doing all the talking and translating. Trying as best he can to be as polite as possible, traveling and its exhaustion as a baseline. He’s sleeping now. No more than 1cm from me. He has his towel rolled up as a pillow. Damn. I don’t have a towel. I’ll find something.
If I can’t find peacefulness here, I don’t know where I ever can.